| 1. | The president also has the power to issue executive orders 总统也有权发布行政命令。
| 2. | To decide on government policies and to issue executive orders 决定政府政策和发布行政命令;
| 3. | Special supplement no . 5 - draft bills , executive order , order of state councils , etc ; and 第5号特别副刊-草案拟本、行政命令、国务院令等;以及
| 4. | Special supplement no . 5 - draft bills , executive order , order of state councils , etc ; and 第5号特别副刊-草案拟本、行政命令、国务院令等;以及
| 5. | President bush ' s issued an executive order prohibiting cruel and inhuman treatment of terror suspects 布什总统公布执行禁令,禁止对恐怖活动的疑犯残酷及不人道的对待。
| 6. | Pursuant to the executive order , the icac has promptly revised related guidelines and promulgated to all investigators 廉署亦随即根据有关指令,向调查人员发出更清晰的程序指引。
| 7. | At the meeting of the executive council on 9 october 2001 , the council advised and the chief executive ordered that - 在二零零一年十月九日的会议上,行政会议建议,行政长官指令应-
| 8. | President bush ' s issued an executive order prohibiting cruel and inhuman treatment of terror suspects 布什总统总统颁布了一项行政指令,禁止对恐怖分子嫌疑人采取残忍和不人道的对待方式。
| 9. | The council advised and the chief executive ordered that the scl should be awarded to kowloon - canton railway corporation kcrc 行政会议建议,行政长官指令把沙中线的营办权批予九广铁路公司。
| 10. | The council advised and the chief executive ordered that the scl should be awarded to kowloon - canton railway corporation ( kcrc ) 行政会议建议,行政长官指令把沙中线的营办权批予九广铁路公司。